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Computer Applications is a semester class introducing students to fundamental concepts of the Microsoft Office Suite and Google Applications.
Throughout this unit, students will be exploring the different Google Apps for Education. These include: Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Drawings, and Forms. They will also be learning about the proper uses of Gmail and Google Drive. Students will also become proficient users of their Chromebooks.
Microsoft Word
This unit will cover all the basics of Microsoft Word. Students will be learning to set up professional business documents, creating flyers and newsletters, type reports in multiple formats, and convert documents into other file types.
Microsoft Excel
This unit will cover how to use Microsoft Excel on both a personal level and professional level. Students will be learning how to input data, create charts, complete formulas and functions, and design templates.
Microsoft PowerPoint
This unit will cover the basics of creating powerful presentations. Students will learn how to set up a presentation, add audio and video, incorporate animation and transitions, and set up presentation timings.

Personal Finance is a semester-long course designed to help students become financially educated individuals. Students will learn the foundation of personal finance topics, such as savings, investing, banking procedures, credit, insurance, careers, etc.
Unit 1: Savings and Budgeting
This unit will cover choices for savings, reasons for savings, the importance of an emergency fund, simple interest, common budgeting problems, benefits of budgeting, zero based budgets, and checking accounts.
Unit 2: Debt
In this unit, students will be learning about the history of credit, ways to get out of debt, credit vs. debit, myths about debt, and debt snowball. Students will also be learning about saving for college, financial aid and funding, ways to save for college, and prepare for the real world.
Unit 3: Investing
Students will be learning about the types of investments and retirement funds, the relationship between diversification and risk, traditional vs. Roth IRAs, 401K, and tax favored dollars..
Unit 4: Insurance
In this unit, students will be learning about the types of insurance, importance of disability and life insurance, and the types of insurances to avoid.
Unit 5: Money and Careers
In this chapter, students will be learning about determining personal strengths and weaknesses, creating cover letters, resumes, and interviews, and tax withholdings.
Economics is a semester course that will prepare students to master fundamental economic concepts, appreciate how the principal concepts of economics relate to each other and understand the structure of economic systems. Students will use economic concepts in a reasoned, careful manner in dealing with personal, community, national and global economic issues. They should learn to make reasoned decisions on economic issues as citizens, consumers, business owners, and entrepreneurs.
The following topics will be covered:
Fundamental Economic Concepts
Supply and Demand
Prices and Markets
Employment, Labor, and Wages
Government Revenue and Spending
Financial Markets
Macroeconomics: Performance and Stabilization
The Global Market
Accounting is a year-long course where students are introduced to basic accounting principles and procedures including the handling of daily recording and financial activities of a proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. Students will exit with skills of beginning bookkeeper or preparation for further study in Accounting.
The following units will be covered:
Identifying Accounting Careers
Completing the Accounting Cycle for a proprietorship
Maintaining Banking Records
Completing the Accounting Cycle for a Partnership
Processing Payroll
Completing an Accounting Simulation
Completing the Accounting Cycle for a Corporation

Class Schedule
1st Semester
1st Period: Computer Applications
2nd Period: Personal Finance
3rd Period: Computer Applications
4th Period: Economics
5th Period: Computer Applications
6th Period: Plan
7th Period: Accounting
2nd Semester
1st Period: Computer Applications
2nd Period: Business Law
3rd Period: Computer Applications
4th Period: Computer Applications
5th Period: Computer Applications
6th Period: Plan
7th Period: Accounting

This one semester course provides a basic understanding of the law as it relates to everyday life. It is important for students to know their legal rights as citizens, consumers, and employers.
Units to be covered include:
Unit 1: The Courts: Criminal Law, Tort Law
Unit 2: Contract Law
Unit 3: Consumer Law
Unit 4: Law and the Workplace/Employment Law
Unit 5: Family Law
Unit 6: Starting a Business